
Don’t miss your chance to work with us!

Current Opportiunities

The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is looking for energetic and personable interns with a passion for space. Internships typically last a semester and take place in our Washington, DC office. While here, interns will have an insider’s look into the world of commercial space policy, business, event planning, and government affairs. Those with a background in engineering, science, space policy, and event planning or students currently pursuing these fields, are particularly encouraged to apply.


  • Research and create white papers/briefs about commercial space policy issues
  • Assist with the organization of CSF’s Annual Conference
  • Attend and support meetings on Capitol Hill and with various government agencies
  • Attend and support meetings with our members, government officials, and congressional staff
  • Assist with administrative and organizational tasks
  • Network with other D.C. space professionals

Those interested should send a short cover letter and resume to with the subject heading “DC Internship.” Eligible candidates include undergraduates, graduate students, recent graduates, and other qualified applicants. Excellent research, writing, and organizational skills are a must.

Only US Citizens may apply.

Applications for Fall 2024 are now open.